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Featured Articles from CatholicU Magazine

Spring 2023, Vol. 36, No. 1

Miss Willie Joyner smiling

Embracing Generations

Seemingly every member of The Catholic University of America family has come to know Ms. Willie Joyner during her nearly half century of service to the University. She’s a permanent fixture in more ways than one now that the institution has honored its own institution and cemented her legacy.
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Pope Benedict XVI spoke to leaders and educators in 2008 about the vital nature of a Catholic education.

Remembering the "Papa" Who Lifted Hearts

Pope Benedict XVI’s legacy in the Church is tied to education and the teaching of the faith. Learn how Catholic University played a pivotal role in his connection with the United States and is continuing his mission today.
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Pope Francis celebrates mass

Bonds With Pope Francis Go Beyond His Papacy

Pope Francis' visit to CatholicU's campus in 2015 was just one of the many ways in which the University has been connected to the current pope, even before his papacy.
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Mack McCarter (center) of Community Renewal International in Shreveport, La., and 2022 Opus Prize Laureate, poses with the other finalists, student ambassadors, and University staff who were part of the Opus Prize Committee in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center Great Room.

Opus Prize Inspires Change Makers

The Catholic University of America celebrated being the first higher-education institution to twice host the $1 million Opus Prize, one of the most prestigious annual faith-based humanitarian honors in the world.
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Cover of Spring 2023 magazine

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The Catholic University of America
Division of University Communications
CatholicU Magazine 
Washington, DC 20064

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