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"The College Tour": Starring Catholic University

beautiful campus view overlooking the Angels Unawares Sculpture

Watch The Catholic University of America's episode of "The College Tour"! Streaming on Amazon Prime!

College Tour opening frame promo image.

Hosted by Alex Boylan, "The College Tour" is a TV series in which each episode tells the story of a single college through the lens of its students. This episode showcases Catholic University's campus and students as they share what they love about the university. 

The episode is available on Amazon Prime, but you can also watch it here. Watch the full episode or the individual student clips below to learn more about Catholic University's award-winning academics, beautiful campus, and warm community!

Starring the Following Students

Watch each student's individual segment from the full episode of "The College Tour" and learn why they love Catholic University so much!

  • A woman stands in the back of an auditorium. She is wearing a bright pink shirt and has long blonde hair.

    Jamie Besendorfer

    Student Entrepreneur Flourishes Through Business Programs, Mentorship

  • A woman with long brown hair and a blue shirt stands in front of the Pryz Center at Catholic University. She's holding a small dog wearing a red bandana.

    Darby Drake

    Biochemistry Major Continues Fourth Year of Medical Research on Campus

  • A man with curly blonde hair in a Catholic University shirt stands in front of a football field.

    Nathan Ford

    Varsity Swimmer Focused on Biomedical Engineering and Service

  • A woman with long red-blonde hair stands in front of The Catholic University of America's crest in Heritage Hall. Behind her are four flags, including the flag of the United States, the Vatican, and Washington, D.C.

    Tess Franscioni

    Musical Theatre Major Makes the Most of DC Location

  • A man stands in front of a brick building with green hedges. He is wearing a plain black shirt.

    Matt Gardiner

    ROTC Student Feels “Incredibly Supported" by University

  • A man is wearing a red polo in front of a red brick building, a bush, and a lush lawn.

    Javier Mazariegos

    Philosophy, English Major Immersed in Faith, Residence Life

  • A woman with long black hair is standing with her arms crossed in front of a statue of Mary and Jesus and grey brick building. She is wearing a black cardigan and a red shirt.

    Maddy Mustin

    Senior Finds Service, Student Involvement Central to Close-Knit Campus

  • A man stands in front of a grey brick building. He is wearing a blue shirt and has glasses.

    Samuel Nwuha

    Computer Science Major Finds Support Through Student Organizations

  • A woman stands in front of a court yard with a stone building and trees. She is wearing a grey dress and a mint green hijab

    Maysoon Obeid

    Biomedical Engineering Major Drawn to Kind Community, Interreligious Understanding

  • A woman with long blonde hair stands in front of a brick path that leads to a building.

    Claire Regan

    Nursing Grad Prepared for an Emergency Room Career

Check out this short conversation Alex Boylan had with President Kilpatrick about Catholic University, and what makes this University a great place to go to college.

Alex Boylan also sat down with Mark Ciolli, Dean of Undergraduate Admission, to talk admissions at Catholic University.

The College Tour, an Amazon Prime series, visits college campuses around the country, and through the eyes of 10 of its students, gives you a glimpse into life on campus.