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The Department of Physics offers the first Master of Science degree in Applied Space Weather Research to educate the next generation of scientists and engineers who will attack the challenging problems of mitigating hazards to technological systems susceptible to space weather. This interdisciplinary program combines several branches of physics with modern methods of space observations and cutting-edge achievements in data mining and computer forecasting. Master’s students will be offered hands-on experience with advanced space weather forecasting tools available at Catholic University’s Space Weather Center through its collaboration with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


Master of Science External Link

The MS in Applied Space Weather program is a 30-credit-hour degree program.

  • The thesis option requires:
    • 18 semester hours of core space weather courses. Any six of the following three-credit courses can be selected to fulfil this requirement: ASWR 601, ASWR 602, ASWR 603, ASWR 604, ASWR 628, and PHYS 525, ASWR 562, PHYS 536.
    • Two additional courses from the same list or two elective non-ASWR courses can be added to meet the 24-credit goal.
    • The master’s thesis research project will account for an additional 6 semester hours. The research topic will be selected in consultation with the student’s program advisor and may be linked to work done in coordination with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • The non-thesis option requires:
    • 24 credit hours of core ASWR courses from the above list
    • 6 additional graduate-level credit hours that may comprise courses taken in other departments at CUA, with the student’s program advisor or the director’s consent.

$1,650 / credit hour

More information about this degree is available on the School website or by request from our Admissions team.