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Additional Organizations and Groups in Our Schools

Our schools and other areas of the University offer additional affinity and cultural groups.

  • Community Engagement Advisory Council
    This council assists the Dean of the Law School in achieving the school's goals to produce legal professionals of conscience and compassion.
  • Asian Pacific American Law Students Association
    This association promotes awareness of contemporary issues which affect Asian Pacific Americans. It sponsors lectures and panel discussions on a wide range of political, social, and legal topics, works closely with members of the Asian Pacific Bar Association and is a member of the National Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. APALSA is open to all members of the CUA law community
  • Black Law Students Association
    This association is committed to fostering and encouraging professional competence for its members; to discuss the relationship of the black law student and the black attorney to the American legal structure; to instill a greater awareness and commitment to the needs of the black community; and to influence the legal community to bring about meaningful change to meet the needs of the black community. BLSA is open to all members of the CUA law community.
  • Italian American Law Students Association
    The Italian American Law Students Association is open to all members of the CUA law community.
  • Latin American Law Students Association
    The purpose of the Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA) is to promote the political, social, cultural, and economic awareness of the Latinx community through the utilization of legal skills and training and to promote actively the recruitment, admission, and retention of prospective law students dedicated to the improvement of the Latinx community and in seeking additional sources of financial assistance for its members. LALSA is open to all members of the CUA law community.

National institute of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) CUA Student Chapter
This organization aims to promote equal opportunity and access to professional advancement in the field of architecture.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
This group helps build community among its members and provides networking opportunities throughout their education and employment. The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers is open to all CUA engineering students.

The Rome School Anti-Racism and Unity Committee
This committee is dedicated to achieving a welcoming community that embraces a wide variety of backgrounds.