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Let Us Help

Campus Ministry
Ground Floor, Caldwell Hall
202-319-5575 |

Rev. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., University Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry

Counseling Center
127 O'Boyle Hall

Monroe Rayburn, Ph.D., Director, Counseling Center

Student Health Services
Eugene I. Kane Student Health and Fitness Center
202-319-5744 |

Loretta Staudt, MD, FAAFP, director

Office of the Dean of Students
353 Pryzbyla Center
202-319-5619 | 

Jon Sawyer, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students

Department of Public Safety
120 Leahy Hall

Kirk McLean, Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Emergency Management

Title IX Office
202-319-6104 | 

Lou Mejia, Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator 

The Catholic University of America is committed to preventing and responding to discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. More information about the Title IX Office, Policies and Reporting.

Community Resources

  • Metropolitan Police Department: 202-727-3700
  • DC Rape Crisis Center Hotline (24 hours): 202-333-7273
  • DC Forensic Nurse Examiners Program (On-Call SANE): 1-800-641-4028
  • Network for Victim Recovery of DC: 202-742-1727
  • Rape Abuse & Incest National Network Hotline: 202-656-4673