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Situated as it is within a university, the Guadalupe Project would not be complete without a scholarly pillar.  Scholars have a special task, according to Evangelium Vitae, to “place themselves at the service of a new culture of life by offering serious and well documented contributions, capable of commanding general respect and interest by reason of their merit.” 

The Center for Law and the Human Person (CLHP) at the Columbus School of Law, led by its director and Guadalupe Project committee member Elizabeth Kirk, J.D., is committed to serving as a resource for thinking about how core commitments of the Catholic intellectual tradition, including respect for the inviolability of all human life, ought to inform the study, teaching, and practice of law. For example, in the past year, CLHP hosted a number of conversations about the impact of the Dobbs decision, including a symposium on the role of infant adoption in women’s decision-making in the case of an unexpected pregnancy. The CLHP will host a conference in spring 2023 on the centrality of the dignity of the human person to a proper understanding of justice.

The committee is grateful to the other faculty members and academic institutes and centers across the University that regularly engage with questions about human dignity, robust family policy, and other related matters from the perspective of a variety of disciplines.  It recommends that the University continue to support and encourage this work.