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Update on Arrest of Suspicious Person

Earlier today, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) arrested a man caught trespassing in Flather Hall, which is an all-female residence hall. The man, who is a college-aged adult and not a Catholic University student, is now in the custody of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). Charges are pending.

The preliminary investigation shows that the man had gained access to Flather Hall by catching a door that was closing. Once inside the residence hall, the man tried to open several doors but they were locked. He then gained access to the elevator because a door was propped open, and he took the elevator to the fourth floor and proceeded to the bathroom.

In the bathroom the man was in a common area where female students change. There was no one in this area with him. There was one woman in the shower who heard a commotion and saw the man. Around the time of her seeing this, a Residence Assistant observed him while in the restroom, making eye contact with him. She then chased after him. Another student then called DPS, with officers quickly arriving on scene. Upon arrival they apprehended the man and contacted MPD to assist with the investigation and arrest processing.

No University student was touched or harmed. The investigation is still continuing and we will update the University Community as more details are known.

In light of this situation, DPS has increased its patrols in and around all residence halls, especially around the area of Flather Hall, where there will be a 24-hour security presence until further notice. This includes hourly floor checks inside Flather Hall and DPS will also be checking other dorms.

There will also be an interior safety walk of Flather Hall in the near future. Other residence halls will follow suit. Information will soon be sent to the University community so that people in those residence halls can participate.

The safety and security of our campus is paramount. Our community must be vigilant in making sure that it is taking all precautions to avoid criminal activity. This includes not letting any unknown person into a building, no matter what their reasons are for being there. After opening a door to enter a building, please close it behind you so that someone cannot sneak in. Please keep all doors closed and locked at all times. Do not prop open any doors.

While the incidents of crime on our campus are low and those around us have been going down, according to MPD statistics, we cannot let our guard down. Please continue to follow good safety and security tips to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

If you have any information about this or any other incident on campus, please contact DPS at 202-319-5111.

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